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Bulk WhatsApp API (GET)

Hajana One Bulk WhatsApp API Support both GET method and POST method.You can integrate it easily and use for your all kind of Softwares/Business.The below guide lines will help you.

Base URL:


Important Parameters

Follow the following parameters during SMS API Integration.

Parameters Value Requeired Discription
apikey Ard36hfb Yes Get your api key from your Hajana One Dashboard.
phone 923548125478 Yes Add phone num with Country code. EX: 923****25 don't use + sign and 00.
message message contant Yes Enter your message content here. If Message type is text then type your message alse enter URL of other type
type message type Yes Message type are text,image,audio,video and documents all Kind of files like PDF,Zip Docx,Exe Xlsx and pptx


Dear users please note if your message type is text then type your message else paste complete URL any other type of message like audio, video or any other documents.

Sample Code

                                           $apikey   =    "ZJN*****vB";
                                           $phone   =    "923001234567";
                                           $message  =    "Test WhatsApp Messages";
                                           $type  =    "Message type EX: text, audio, video and document";
                                           //Sending SMS
                                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
                                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                                                $result = curl_exec ($ch);
                                                echo $result;

Complete API URL
